Episode 07: Activity mapping new neural pathways to a more powerful identity - Theresa Vigarino

With the unique combination of Neuroscience, Emotional Trauma Release, Activation of Christ Consciousness, and recently, Shamanism, as a Clear Conscious Channel, Theresa weaves all of this into her client work, known as Soul Essence Alchemy.  Theresa has spent over 30 years cultivating, seeking, learning and experiencing to emerge as a conduit of healing for others. Theresa is a mom of 2 children, Jessica and Steven,and is married to her best friend, Victor. She is a lover of nature, the animal kingdom and humankind.  She and her husband can be found rock climbing, or in her favorite place, Lake Tahoe. Theresa and her family have recently founded a non-profit, for purpose organization, Mom’s House For Children.The mission of this effort is to eradicate homelessness for orphans in the world’s most vulnerable locations.

Here is the link to the trigger sheet exercise

Here is a link to Theresa’s life by design free program.



Episode 08: Finding a way around founder conflict - Michael Sawitz


Episode 06: How to always stay hungry with the beginners mindset - Vak Sambath