Episode 180: Robloxification of the Metaverse - Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell is currently the Content Acquisition Manager for Roblox on the Community Expansion Team, a division of Developer Relations responsible for the growth of both developer and user communities. He’s been in the games industry for over a decade with experience in partnerships, content, marketing, media, community management and development having worked at companies such as EA, Ubisoft, and HTC Vive, and more.

Now, he’s helping run the Game Fund at Roblox, a program with $25 million in funding to support developers and studios in their quest to build the next generation of experiences on the platform. A direct effort in pushing the boundaries of the metaverse.


Episode 181: Transforming Internet Trolls into Virtual Meditators - Jeremy Nickel


Episode 179: Gamifying Life and Beyond - Yu-kai Chou