Episode 64 : From Gaming to Training in VR - Sam Watts

With 20+ years experience of delivering immersive experiences, from 25+ PC and VR games to enterprise training to out-of-home entertainment, Sam has worked with the biggest brands including BBC, E4, Vodafone, Porsche and McDonald’s and many more, and has been featured in The Guardian, BBC, EDGE and Time.

These past 8 years have been focussed solely on building a studio around VR, AR and MR (xR) looking at how the 4th wave of these technologies change the ways we work, learn and play. Sam is the immersive specialist for Tech London Associates - Future of Work group and chair of the AIXR Enterprise Steering Board Committee.


Episode 65 : Power Leveling in Life with Frictionless Friendship - Dave Perry


Episode 63 : Understanding the Nature of Reality - Dmitri Leonov